Det var hos oss det började!

Det var hos oss det började!

Ashley Weddle arbetar gärna med storformat i sin Fine Art Fotografi. Här kan du läsa mer om hennes karriär.

”Mullsjö folkhögskola has a special place in my heart. I long to again visit the place gave me the peace and space for creativity that the school provided.

I was invited to come study with the photo school as an exchange student with Missouri Southern State University. I was given the opportunity to truly learn and fall in love with a process that I was already interested in.
I spent an unbelievable amount of time working on honing my craft. I was very fortunate to be able to work along side and learn from an incredible photographer, Örjan Henriksson. In that process, I was able to also explore myself and develop my own style and voice.

In the years following my time at the Folkhögskola, I was able to start a career in the marketing field as a social media coordinator, this allows me to leverage my photography skills to communicate on behalf of the university. I also work part time as a fine art analog photographer and videographer. Recently, I placed third in a PhotoSpiva, one of the longest running photography competitions in the United States.

Having the opportunity to study abroad, make lifelong friendships and learn from some of the most knowledgeable individuals in the field of photography was one of the most invaluable and remarkable experiences in my life.”

Läs mer om Fotoskolan och tidigare elevers berättelser.