Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about the Swedish Folk High School

1. How do I apply to the Folk High School and what does it cost to study there?

Anyone wanting to take part in a course should write to that specific Folk High School and ask for information about courses, board and lodging, fees etc. Each school has their own application form.

All tuition is free of charge at the Folk High Schools. You pay for literature, material, food and drink. And if it is a boarding school – board and lodging costs about 4 000 SEK per month.

Students (Swedish students and non-Swedish nationals who have been living in Sweden for some years) can apply for a grant from the government to cover part of the costs. More information: (the Central Study Support Committe in Sweden)

Most courses start at the end of August or beginning of September, occasionally in January.

2. Can I live at the Folk High School?

Yes, many of the Folk High Schools are boarding schools and can offer rooms to rent. The boarding element is an important part in many of the Folk High Schools. Studying and living at school creates a sense of community, gives possibilities of close companionship and the chance to exchange views during free time. But some of the Folk High Schools are just day shools, especially in the big cities, and can not offer any boarding.

Many schools offer cultural activities (e.g. concerts, theatre, films) and outdoors pursuits (e.g. team sports and athletics) alongside the studies.

3. Can I study Swedish at the Folk High School?

It is not possible to study Swedish language course on beginner’s level at any of the Folk High Schools. The courses called INVANDRARKURS (courses for Immigrants) are intended for those who have lived and settled in Sweden and have studied SFI (Swedish for immigrants on basic level) before they come to the Folk High School.

The Swedish Institute arranges summer courses together with different Folk High Schools. The courses are intended for those who have studied at least 100 hours of Swedish in their homecountries. More information on: (The Swedish Institute).

4a. As an EU/EEA citizen – do I need a recidence permit?

Staying 3 months or less:
On entering Sweden, citizens of EU/EEA countries must only have a valid passport or an identity card stating their nationality. If you intend to stay in Sweden less than 3 months – your passport or identity card is the permit you need to stay here.

Staying more than 3 months:
Also if you plan to stay more than 3 months, you only need to have a valid passport or an identity card showing your nationality. As a student and an EU/EEA citizen who has sufficient funds to support yourself, you are permitted to stay in Sweden for more than three months without a residence permit. You must, however, register with the Migration Board no later than three months after entering the country.

How to register at the Migration Board

You send your application for registration by post to the Migration Board or hand it in to one of the Migration Board permit units. As a student you can also register on the Internet, To registrate yourself you have to:

  • fill in the Migration Board form ”Registration of right of residence”, No. 141011
  • enclose copies of a valid passport or national identity card on which the nationality is stated.

As a student, you must also enclose documents showing that you satisfy the conditions that apply for students:

  • Proof of enrolment on your course at the Folk High School
  • Assurance that you have sufficient funds for your keep
  • Proof that you have comprehensive medical insurance that is valid in Sweden
  • The registration certificate is permanent, does not need to be renewed and is valid as long as you are resident in the country on condition that you satisfy the above requirements. The certificate is free of charge.You are as an EU/EEA citizen entitled to work during the time you are studying.

More information about rules for visiting students see the Swedish Migration Board:

4b. As a non EU/EEA citizen – do I need a residence permit?

Staying 3 months or less
For a stay of less than three months, no residence permit is required. Some foreign nationals however must in such cases have visas in order to enter Sweden. To find out which countries – check the Internet address

Staying more than 3 months
If you are planning to study at a Folk High School in Sweden for more than three months, you require a residence permit. Your permit must be entered in your passport before your arrival in Sweden.

How to apply for the recidence permit

You may apply for a residence permit at the nearest Swedish embassy or consulate in your country. You must use the form ”Application for a residence permit for students and doctoral students”, No. 105031.

To obtain a residence permit for studies at a Folk High School in Sweden, you must show that you:

  • have a valid passport,
  • have been accepted to a full-time course at a Folk High School
  • can support yourself for the whole of the planned period of study. You will need at least 7 300 SEK per month for 10 months of the year (June2007). Normally the permit will be granted for one year at a time.

Please note that a residence permit for study purposes is time limited. Even if the period spent in the country has extended several years, you are normally not permitted to become a permanent resident in Sweden.

More information about rules for visiting students see the Swedish Migration Board:

5. How do I finance my studies?

Visiting students must be able to support themselves, by scholarships or a study support from their home country or by means of personal funds. At present the Swedish Migration Board requires a sum of 7 300 SEK per month (June2007).

Swedish study support for non-Swedish nationals:
You can only be granted basic entitlement if you have settled in Sweden for some other reason than that of obtaining an education. You must also be registered resident and must intend to remain in Sweden.

The main rule is that basic entitlement to support can be granted if you have lived and worked in Sweden for at least two years. Another condition is that you must have been awarded permission to settle here – that is, you must have a permanent residence permit or a five year EU/EEA permit issued by the Immigration Board.

More information about study allowances: (Central Study support committe in Sweden).

6. Where do I get more information about the Swedish education system?

  • The National Agency for Education – Skolverket – gives information on the Swedish school system
  • The National Agency for Higher Education – Högskoleverket – is a central authority for matters concerning institutions of higher education – Study information on
  • The Swedish Institute – Svenska Institutet –
    Visit Sweden –
  • The Information Service of the Swedish Folk High Schools – Folkhögskolornas informationstjänst, FIN – Den här e-postadressen är skyddad från spamrobotar. Du måste tillåta Javascript för att visa e-postadressen
  • Map: All the Swedish Folk High Schools (in Swedish)
  • Index: Folk High Schools in alfabetical order (in Swedish) with adresses, telephone numbers etc.